Trash & Recycling

We are pleased to offer trash AND recycling services at The Welden Building. Every tenant is given a small blue recycling container. For 2nd and 3rd floor tenants: in the transition area inside the 2nd floor conference room there are 2 bins for your use. The brown bin is for trash, the blue bin is for recycling. For all other tenants, please use the applicable dumpters in the lower level.  If you have large items to be disposed of, please contact us before filling the dumpster.

Items That Can Be Recycled

Glass bottles & jars (cleaned), Metal cans & bottles (cleaned), Aerosol cans (completely empty, no paint or pesticides), Plastics #1-7, Newspapers, Magazines, Paper Bags, Paper (not shredded), Juice & Milk Cartons (cleaned)

Items That Can  NOT Be Recycled

Plastic Bags, Flat/Broken Glass, Ceramics, Paint Cans, Batteries (Welden Hardware has a recycling bucket for batteries), Foam, Bubble Wrap, Soiled Paper Products, Pizza boxes With Grease, Wax-coated Boxes, Electronics, Hard Cover Books.